
Wednesday 8 May 2019

WIN our May Picture Book of the Month - Hummingbird

A Nature Storybook about hummingbirds, beautifully told and illustrated.

"Jane Ray turns everything she touches to gold." Daily Telegraph

From Nicola Davies, one of the UK’s finest non-fiction writers, and from Jane Ray, one of the UK’s finest illustrators, comes an exquisite Nature Storybook about … hummingbirds! A hummingbird is smaller than your thumb and weighs less than a 20 pence piece – however you measure it, it’s tiny. But every spring, hummingbirds that have spent the winter in Mexico fly north to make the most of the warmer weather. They nest as far north as Canada and Alaska; a 2,000 mile trip! This is the story of one spring migration: of a tiny bird, its amazing journey and the people it meets along the way.

We have FIVE copies of Hummingbird with limited edition prints to give away!

To enter this competition just enter your name and email address below.

Competition closes midday on Wednesday 5th June 2019.   

Are you under 13? If so please do NOT provide your details. Please ask your parent or guardian to enter using their email address.

By entering this competition you confirm that you accept our terms and conditions of entry.



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