Happy Mother’s Day! Walker
is celebrating with a lovely, brand-new shaped board book from the world of Hooray for Fish! In this heart-warming
rhyming story from the wonderful Lucy Cousins, Little Fish is having a special
day, just him and Mummy Fish:
My mummy’s orange just like me.
We both have yellow spots.
I love my mummy very much,
I know she loves me lots.
It’s got the team thinking
about all the things we share with the mum-figures in our lives, related or otherwise.
No one’s mentioned yellow spots, but here are some choice love-filled testimonies
from us all:
When I was growing up, my
mum was strict and fearsome. To us kids, all she did was work and cook... all
the little things we took (and take) for granted! Now, as a grown-up, I see my
mum as the wonder she is. She’s accomplished so much on her own and is such an
inspiration to me.
And she still cooks
amazing food! Yum!
Isabelle Gamon, Art Director

Bonne fête des mères,
maman. Bisous.
Ruby Constable, Assistant Editor
When I was little, my grandma used to
tell me the most extraordinary bedtime stories, which turned out were
actually the plots of famous book and films. My absolute favourite was Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë’s version is
alright, but my gran does a satisfyingly terrifying Bertha impression and could
tell the whole story in the ten minutes before lights out. She also made up a
beautiful lullaby about butterflies, which I later discovered had the same
melody as The Godfather theme
Happy Mothers’ Day gran. You’re weird, I love
Hannah Whitaker, Senior Creative Editor

Inês Amaral, Designer
and my mum both love cabbage, steamed fish and chewing on bones. Not a pretty picture, but my mum’s satisfaction with having food
companion makes it very worth it.
Happy Mother’s Day mum,
you are and always be my inspiration, moral compass and favourite chef.
My children and I share a love of
books. Funny ones, sad ones, magical ones. I still read to them every night. We
do silly voices – my seven-year-old daughter does an excellent Texan drawl for
completely inappropriate characters (e.g. Rainbow Fairies). No room is complete
without a shelf of books, as proven when my son built himself a house in
Minecraft, aged 6, and included a golden throne and a floor-to-ceiling bookcase.
I am hoping for a golden throne as a Mother’s Day gift this year…
What special thing do you share with
the mothering figure(s) in your life? Let us know below! And don’t forget to
pick up a copy of Little Fish and Mummy,
swimming into a bookshop near you!