Mara – Senior Editor, Character Publishing

I was very lucky to grow up near a wonderful library, where I spent many afternoons… but still there was something so special about choosing my own book – to keep!
Like Maisy, I would start by wandering down the aisles, perusing the books and reading about hippos and ducklings and caterpillars. I gave all the potential candidates to my grandmother to hold, and then I would plonk myself down on the cosy beanbag chairs while sorting into piles of “yes” and “maybe next time”. When my brother and sister and I had finally chosen that one special book, we would snuggle up and read our new books together over and over again. Just as Maisy and her friends do!
This year for Independent Bookshop Week, I plan to go to my lovely local bookshop The Alligator’s Mouth, where I will be found meandering among the bookcases and up and down the stairs until I find that one special book to take home with me!
Ruby – Assistant Editor, Character Publishing
I have a big, busy and very loud family, so reading books when I was younger was always an opportunity to escape the noise and enter into my own world. Going to bookshops meant getting to choose where to escape to next… A pirate ship! A fairy castle! An alien planet! The choices were endless. Just like Maisy, I spent a lot of time dreaming up new places to explore and things to be with my friends.
I still get the same rush of excitement when I go into a bookshop today: that feeling that anything is possible. There must be some magic spell that all bookshop owners are in on, because I think no matter where you are or where you go, bookshops have this wonderful mix of tweed and fairy dust in the air. You walk in, and you feel immediately like you’ve entered a secret treasure cave, or the hallowed halls of some ancient place of learning. And then you dive in! I could – and have – got lost between the stacks for hours, torn between giant tomes of bizarre historical goings on and beautiful, bright picture books. That’s why I love Independent Bookshop Week so much; it’s the perfect excuse to explore some of the world’s most magical shops, new and old, and find my next favourite story. Just like Maisy does.
Visit the bookshop with Maisy and her friends in Maisy Goes to the Bookshop – out now! And don’t forget to look for Maisy events at your local bookshop for Independent Bookshop Week.