
Monday 27 April 2015

Meet Mango & Bambang!

Today is World Tapir Day! And for those of you who aren't familiar with these loveable animals, a tapir is a large mammal, with a short snout, four toes on their front feet, three toes on their back feet - and definitely not the same as a pig! Tapirs can usually be found in jungles and forests in Asia, but there's one little tapir who has made it all the way to the city...
Meet Bambang! - the co-star of Mango & Bambang, a beautiful new series of books by Polly Faber and Clara Vulliamy out this September, which all of us at Walker HQ are VERY excited about. Mango & Bambang is all about the unlikely friendship between Mango, a little girl, and Bambang, a Malaysian tapir. Mango Allsorts is good at all sorts of things, not just karate and chess. Bambang is most definitely not-a-pig and is now lost in a very busy city. When the two unexpectedly meet, a friendship begins, filled with adventures, and plenty of banana pancakes!

When Clara and Polly were first discussing what they might make a book together about, they went to the zoo for inspiration. Head over to Polly's blog to find out how they found their hero!

Five fun facts about tapirs:
  •  A group of tapirs is called a “candle.”
  • The tapir’s nose is used as a snorkel while swimming. 
  • Their closest living relatives are horses and rhinos - not pigs!
  •  Tapirs are herbivorous. They eat leaves and fruit twice a day (and occasionally banana pancakes)
  • Tapir bodies are pear-shaped. Their fronts are narrow, and their back parts are widened.

Mango & Bambang: The Not-a-Pig is the first book in this brilliant series from Polly Faber and Clara Vulliamy, and will be out on 3 September 2015.

Get in touch with your local bookshop to pre-order your copy today!

Until then, don't forget to visit Polly's blog where you can read her special blog post about the series, in honour of World Tapir Day.