Chris Haughton has been hard at work creating his new book Oh No, George! Here he gives an insight into the creative process...

My first idea for this book was a cause and effect sequence called Oh No!... it was an idea for a sort of elaborate circular accident... I may come back to that idea in future in fact...

A third idea featured 'clown man and clown dog' which I think also could be quite good in the future...
I didn't realise it at the time but all these ideas revolved around the idea of characters somehow messing up (which I thought would make entertaining drawings). I realised it's a lot funnier if there is intention from the character to not mess up, so in the end I scrapped clown man and sort of fused all three ideas to make the dog the comic lead character.
One part of the picture book I try to make use of are the page-turns. They can be great fun when reading aloud if there is bit of a build up so i decided to build up to a page-turn where the dog messes up somehow... that was how the basic idea came about ... I jotted it down on 3 pieces of A4 which it turned out hardly changed at all from this first sketch.
I also drew some initial character sketches...
Look out for part 2 of Chris' post coming soon!
You can watch the animated trailer for the book below...